Friday, July 28, 2017

Neutral Milk Hotel

This band has far exceeded my expectations. The first time I heard their album In the Aeroplane Over the Sea I only liked two of the songs on the album. This was mostly due to my cousin also only liking those two songs and only playing those songs. I suppose their music is a bit of an acquired taste in that sense. Regardless I really enjoy both the theming, lyrics and instrumentation of this band. A tale I heard (not sure if it's true) is that in the song "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" there strange ghost like sound that plays in the background and is then later featured was created by taking a hand saw and using a violin bow on it while bending it back and forth. Once again, not sure if that's true but I thought it was interesting none the less. Overall I find them to be a really unique and cool band with a nice chill vibe. I hope you agree. I'll link some of their songs down below for you to listen to.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Prophet Nathan

This band took me by surprise when I first heard them. They don't really sound like any band I have ever heard before. My cousin is the one that introduced me to them and I'm glad he did. I can't really say I like all their music but the album 1.414 to 1 is absolutely fantastic. 1.414 to 1 is the only album with lyrics from what I have seen. All their music can be found on their Bandcamp page here:

My cousin was kind enough to upload some of their music to youtube though. I'll embed my favorite song bellow which is called 9 Gates and the Kingdom of Shadows.